Improving Patient Care Through Clinical Data Exchanges.
Healthcare organizations use disparate systems to different aspects of patient care. Improvements in care across the treatment cycle are dependent on a consistent exchange of clinical data between health organizations and patient care systems.
Interface engines facilitate clinical data transmissions. Interface engines leverage standardized data formats to handle protected health information transmission between disparate care organizations and health systems.
Healthcare organizations of different sizes are faced with several challenges when adopting interoperable solutions. Most organizations are unable to fully integrate interface engines into their operations and work-flow due to high implementation and technical maintenance costs. Interoperability interface engines are not a novelty but an essential component in the improvement of care and disease management. To reduce the costs of interoperable system adoption, Novatross offers secure health data exchanges as a service. Our hosted interfaces eliminate the high technical and capital cost required to implement and manage interoperable systems. Our hosted interfaces are secure and HIPPA compliant. We offer hosted interfaces packages for health organizations of all sizes at competitive prices.
Secure Clinical Data Exchange
Third party clinical application developers are building apps which improve individual care. Connecting these apps to EHRs and allowing clinical data transfers improves a providers ability to develop workable care plans. How do we get these disparate systems to exchange and access vital patient information, not only within the same organization but also across different facilities. Standardized medical information exchange ensures that disparate healthcare systems understand clinical and patient data in the same way. Hl7 is an Intentional standard established over 20 years ago to help healthcare information systems within and across organizations to communicate better.